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The Final Space API is based on the television show Final Space by Olan Rogers from TBS. From talking cats to evil aliens, the animated show tells the intergalactic adventures of Gary Goodspeed and his alien friend Mooncake as they unravel the mystery of "Final Space". The show can be viewed, amongst other places, on TBS, AdultSwim, and Netflix.

All data of this API, such as character info, is obtained from the Final Space wiki. More data such as season and episode information is planned for future release. This data can be used for your own projects such as fan pages or any way you see fit.

All this information is available through a RESTful API implemented in NodeJS. This API returns data in a friendly json format.

The Final Space API is maintained as an open source project on GitHub. More information about contributing can be found in the readme.


Base url:

The base url contains information about all available API's resources. All requests are GET requests and go over https. All responses will return data in json.

Sample Request

Sample Response

"type": "GET",
"name": "Endpoints Data",
"path": "/",
"fullUrl": ""
"type": "GET",
"name": "All Characters",
"path": "/character",
"queryParams": [
"optional": true,
"name": "Sort By",
"values": ["asc", "desc"]
"fullUrl": ""
"type": "GET",
"name": "Single Character",
"path": "/character/<id>",
"fullUrl": "<id>"
"type": "GET",
"name": "All Episodes",
"path": "/episode",
"queryParams": [
"optional": true,
"name": "Sort By",
"values": ["asc", "desc"]
"fullUrl": ""
"type": "GET",
"name": "Single Episode",
"path": "/episode/<id>",
"fullUrl": "<id>"
"type": "GET",
"name": "All Locations",
"path": "/location",
"queryParams": [
"optional": true,
"name": "Sort By",
"values": ["asc", "desc"]
"fullUrl": ""
"type": "GET",
"name": "Single Location",
"path": "/location/<id>",
"fullUrl": "<id>"
"type": "GET",
"name": "All Quotes",
"path": "/quote",
"queryParams": [
"optional": true,
"name": "Sort By",
"values": ["asc", "desc"]

There are four available resources:

  • Episode: used to get all the episodes.

  • Location: used to get all the locations.

  • Quote: used to get quotes from Final Space.



Coming Soon. Work in Progress.