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This is the documentation for the /location endpoint. There are currently 12 locations sorted by id.

Location schema

idintThe id of the location (starting from 1).
namestringThe name of the location.
typestringThe type of the location.
inhabitantsarrayInhabitants of the location.
notable_residentsarrayNotable residents(if any).
img_urlstring (url)Image of the location. (400x300)

Get all locations

You can access the list of locations by using the /location endpoint.
"id": 1,
"name": "Earth",
"type": "Planet",
"inhabitants": ["Humans", "Animals", "Robots", "Aliens"],
"notable_residents": [
"img_url": ""

Get a single location

You can get a single location by adding the id as a parameter: /location/3
"id": 3,
"name": "Tera Con Prime",
"type": "Destroyed planet",
"inhabitants": ["Lord Commander's army", "Infinity Guard soldiers"],
"notable_residents": [
"img_url": ""

Sort the response

You can now sort the response based on id by passing the /?sort=asc or /?sort=desc query in the URL.
"id": 12,
"name": "Invictus' Prison",
"type": "Prison dimension",
"inhabitants": [
"Ash Graven",
"Zombie Garys",
"Lord Commander"
"notable_residents": [
"img_url": ""

Limit the response

You can now limit the response by passing the /?limit={number} query in the URL.
"id": 1,
"name": "Earth",
"type": "Planet",
"inhabitants": ["Humans", "Animals", "Robots", "Aliens"],
"notable_residents": [
"img_url": ""
"id": 2,
"name": "Final Space",
"type": "Dimension",
"inhabitants": ["Titans", "Invictus", "Quinn"],
"notable_residents": [
"img_url": ""
"id": 3,
"name": "Tera Con Prime",
"type": "Destroyed planet",
"inhabitants": ["Lord Commander's army", "Infinity Guard soldiers"],
"notable_residents": [
"img_url": ""

Use limit with sort

You can limit and sort the response simultaneously by passing both limit={number} and sort=desc query parameters in the URL and seperating them with & operator.
"id": 12,
"name": "Invictus' Prison",
"type": "Prison dimension",
"inhabitants": ["Invictus", "Ash Graven", "Zombie Garys", "Lord Commander"],
"notable_residents": [""],
"img_url": ""
"id": 11,
"name": "Ventrexia",
"type": "Planet",
"inhabitants": ["Ventrexian"],
"notable_residents": [
"img_url": ""
"id": 10,
"name": "Serepentis",
"type": "Planet",
"inhabitants": ["Serepentians"],
"notable_residents": [""],
"img_url": ""